"I am a Wellness Coach for 12,000 employees. When I became a Circle of Life Coach, I learned and implemented COL coaching system for my 1-1 clients as well as using the COL Group Coaching model. I joyfully shifted from only doing 1-1 coaching to the power and cost-effectiveness of group coaching.
PLUS, I love being able to empower the employees with the mind-body self-care practices that were taught in my COL training! My clients RAVE about these self-care practices. Clients say they immediately feel better, plus it helps them to meet their goals more quickly and easily!"
- Elaine Gaither, RN, Certified Health Coach, Certified Circle of Life Coach, IN

"I own a Massage and Wellness Center and I wanted to expand my services, increase my income and provide an additional, powerful way to support my clients through coaching. The Circle of Life is the PERFECT coaching system because it’s holistic and works perfectly for both individual and group coaching. And it’s ideal workshops and retreats as well!
I'm also so grateful that in my COL Coach training that I learned how to integrate mind/body practices into my coaching work. I find when a client is stuck or comes into the session stressed out, it helps center and ground them to do in mind/body practice. I guide them through a simple practice, so the client can move forward in the session with greater ease and clarity. Plus, it empowers my clients to use these practices between sessions."
- Kim Huneycutt, CMT, Certified Circle of Life Coach,
Owner: Replenish Wellness Center and Spa, WV
"I've led wellness programs for educators for over 30 years. When I discovered the Circle of Life, it was clear to me that it was the best structure and system for lasting personal change that I had come across. This system helped me to make significant personal changes.
I have coached many groups now, that include teachers, clerical staff, and administrators. The results have been dramatic. In every group, people make significant changes in their lives! The COL System with the mind -body self care is exceptionally effective!"
- Stephen Rosen, Teacher, Certified Circle of Life Coach, OR

"Previous to my work with The Circle of Life I counseled countless victims of abuse and trauma. The greatest challenge was helping them identify goals and resources because they were convinced that they had little power to change their lives.
I have witnessed wellness group members make monumental changes in their lives that they had previously thought impossible, because of the fail-safe (COL) system, small steps, accountability and Self-Care. I wish I had this twenty years ago!"
- Lois Annich, Wellness Coordinator, Certified COL Coach, Lutheran Chaplaincy Service, OH
"I found myself spiraling downward with weight gain and depression resulting from a job loss and divorce. "I personally used the Circle of Life process to move from breakdown to breakthrough! Now I “walk the talk” as a workshop leader and health and wellness coach. I also developed a COL program at our local YMCA.
I now successfully coach hundreds of people who are meeting their weight loss, health and life goals! The COL really works to create and sustain positive changes and transformation."
- Elizabeth Nelson, Certified Circle of Life Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, FL

"The steel plant manager who hired me to do the Circle of Life Wellness Coaching with his employees commented that previously they had brought in a man for $7000 to try to bring up morale, etc. which he found unsuccessful. But with the COL group coaching - he stated the changes he is seeing in his team “borders on phenomenal” (his exact words) for less than 1/2 the price!" I also do individual COL coaching, lead groups and women’s retreats."
- Bev Swanson, MFCC, Certified Circle of Life Coach, Canada
"If I were a coach interested in holistic life and wellness coaching, looking for a powerful way to launch my business - I would definitely choose the Circle of Life!"
- Dr. Patrick Williams, Ed. D., MCC, BCC
Founder: Institute of Life Coaching